

Customer Satisfaction comes in many guises, and can be derived from many sources. It can be easy to fix the simple things, but when things start to get complicated we need to find ways to measure our successes and ensure our Customers are as happy as we thing they are. Below you will find useful information on NPS, CSAT, Contact Centre optimization, Employee Engagement, and Sales tips.  

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score, or simply NPS was created by Satmetrix in 2003, as a tool to measure Customer experience. It has since become the most well recognized and trusted indicators of Customer experience, and one of the few true gauges of Customer growth and Customer Churn. 

NPS is the formulated result of the would you recommend us to your friends of family question. 

Many companies capture NPS but fail to achieve it's full potential. In this section you can find everything from the basics to how to turbo charge your NPS program.  
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Customer Satisfaction 

The measurement of Customer Satisfaction is commonly known as CSAT. CSAT can range from a simple question, such as "on a scale from 0 to 10, how satisfied are you with our company?" to more specific questions pertaining to a particular product or person, such as "During your visit to our shop how satisfied were you with the assistance provided by David?"  

CSAT has the potential to provide you with invaluable data, which can be used to identify areas of concern, as well as for target setting and remuneration.  
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Voc of Our Customer

Voice of Our Customer is commonly shortened to VOC, and consists of any written comment your Customer provides and potentially any comments your staff make in your CRM systems or even the content of chat conversations or social media messages. 

VOC can give you a deep insight into why your Customer gave you the score that they did. 
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Closing the Loop

Closing the Loop, is simply shortened to CtL, and is to often overlooked as an unnecessary expense by many companies; however much can be gained by Closing the Loop. 

Closing the Loop can help improve your Customers satisfaction, solve Customer issues,  reduced churn, and allow you to target Attractors with Member get Member (MgM) programs; leading to increase in revenue and a great Return of Investment (ROI).
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Contact Centre

In the last few years Call Centres have evolved from simple rooms full of phones to fully fledged omnichannel networking centres, with the ability to communicate with Customers in wide range of means. 

Calls, email, social media, and chat, are the most common interfaces being used by Customers to communicate, but as time moves on these methods evolve, to include the likes of video  messages and advanced artificial intelligence.
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Employee Engagement

Sir Richard Branson shares my views on putting employees first. Happy employees is the best way to achieve happy Customers.

In this section you will find team building and motivation ideas, as well as fun communication training skills, gamification ideas, links to useful sites and much more.
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Sales Skills

Every interaction your company has with a Customer has to potential to be a sale, no mater if it's a complaint or even a termination. 

In this section you can learn all about Customer types, positive linguistics, the ABC's of sales, and much more.   
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